If you have booked your parcel with EVRi ; any deliveries where the EVRi courier has been unable to obtain a signature, they can leave the parcel at a safe place and take a photograph with their hand terminal to show it in the location.
In this case, a picture of the safe location will be available to you upon request from our customer service team. If your parcel has been delivered to a safe place, the tracking will say "Secure Delivery Outbuilding" and a picture can be obtained by contacting our customer service or via the carrier tracking.
A parcel can also be pushed into the letterbox. However, we require EVRi couriers to take photos of letterbox deliveries before the parcel is posted through the letterbox. To be compliant, the photo needs to demonstrate that the parcel can be pushed through the letter box, as it cannot be left on the doorstep. In fact, to be delivered through the letterbox, the photo is taken and then the parcel will be pushed through the letterbox.