If you have questions regarding your shipment, such as tracking, how to cancel a shipment, how to schedule a new collection, how to request assistance with a delivery, you are in the right place. Here you can find the essential information needed when the parcel is in the process, or it has already been dispatched.
Pick up
- Drop off services
- Home pick up
- When will the courier come to pick up the parcel?
- Reschedule Pick Up
- Parcel not collected at the scheduled time
- Can I choose a specific time for the pick up?
- Can I re-route my parcel to a drop-off point?
- Will the courier call the recipient before the delivery?
- When will the parcel be delivered?
- Estimated and Guaranteed Delivery
- Delivery time slots
- The parcel has not been delivered, what do I need to do?
- Tracking my parcel
- What does Incident mean?
- How can I retrieve my Packlink reference number?
- Alert notification in the tracking status
- Error in weight and/or in dimensions
- Parcel held in storage or warehouse
Measure and weight my parcel
- How can I weigh or measure my package?
- How Can I Weigh My Parcel?
- How do I measure my parcel?
- What is Volumetric Weight?
- Parcel sizes
- How to calculate the overall size?
- Unknown charges
- How can I pay for my shipments with PayPal Shipping?
- Can I pay cash to the driver for the shipment?
- WIll I pay VAT?
- VIES: what is it and how to register
- Do I receive a monthly invoice after having paid my shipment with PayPal Delivery
- Customs invoice and how to complete it
- What is the EORI number and why is it important for your international shipments?
- What is it and how can I get my Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) number?
- Who has to pay the customs fees and taxes?
- Export controls and sanctions
- Customs regulations
Cancel shipment
- The essential requirements for submitting a claim for damage, loss or missing content
- Can I purchase extra protection for my shipment?
- What is the depreciation of goods?
- Presenting photos in case of damage or missing content
- What is the standard coverage of my shipment?
- What is the deadline for filing a complaint?