If you send or receive parcels from outside the European Union, a customs invoice will be automatically created and filled in with the information you provided on our website. You will be able to download the invoice once you have placed your order and completed the payment flow. However, we strongly recommend you to check the information printed in your customs invoice, displayed on sections 7, 8 and 9 as it follows:
- Declaration of dual use - "I declare that the goods indicated in the invoice are not included in CE 428/2009 European Council appendices (and its updates), and are not intended for dual-use technology or any other military use under any circumstances".
- CITES Declaration - "I declare that the materials shipped are not governed by the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora as well as in the attached list of R / CE 338/1997 and its latest amendments".
- Permanent export - "I declare that I understand that the service only includes permanent export, and does not include temporary exports".
- Once you have filled in the requested information, you will have to sign and print the customs invoice.